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Phew! That was quite the hiatus. It only took me four password failures to remember my password…and user name. I had mostly forgotten about this handy outlet to remember family times and process life. We have missed logging the funny things the kids say. They say a lot more now! If only I could catch up on all that missed blog time. By that time, though, it would be the kids writing some post about all the funny things their parents say.

A lot has happened since, well, two years ago. In fact, we have changed almost every role that we played since then. Except I’m still the wife and Wes is still the husband. And Taylor is still our oldest Tater Tot and Brendan our Bubba. No longer is he our baby Bubba because he have a new Little Bubs: Mr. Emory Townsend. Our freshest babe joined the family in December and has kept us on our toes. But those are stories for another day, another time. Hopefully sometime this year with my current track record.

Today I just wanted to pop my head around your corner and say, “Hi!” We’re still here and if things go my way (hahahahahaha…ha) I will write more frequently.

On that note, God is still good. He makes us adventurers. He still leads us to peace -even in the valleys. I don’t always feel it but I always know it to be true. I don’t always  see or feel the blood coursing through me, but when I wake up in the morning I know it is there keeping me alive. I hope you can see how He has been good to you too.

And on THAT note, I need to go change Emory blowout #3. Go big or go home, Emory!