

Hello friends and family! It has been a loooooooooooooooooong time, eh? So long it took a couple of tries to remember my password….Nevertheless, I have returned! Let’s pick up where we ended, like old friends.

Taylor is now almost 3! Two more months to go! I think she is most excited because she thinks she will get more of everything when she is three. Right now she needs 2 of everything “because I am 2, mommy. I’m 2.” Two ponytails in her hair, not one of course. Two cookies…you get the picture. She will be head over heels when that 2 turns to 3, except I’m not sure how 3 ponytails in her hair is going to look.

Two ponytails!

Two ponytails!

She is also obsessed with wearing dresses and dress-up. She most frequently chooses Tinkerbell or a ballerina outfit for dress-up or her “lady bug dress.” This dress from Nana is red with white polka dots with a little lady bug on it. She comes in right after Wes leaves in the morning (a hair after 6:30…and I’m not a morning person) and says, “Mommy tan you buckle this?” I think her morning routine is as follows: open eyes, realize the sun “is not sleeping anymore”, remove normal kid clothes, find lady bug dress, slip it on, and go find mommy to button it up. Oh, then ask, “Mommy tan I have regular milk, in a bottle, warm?” And my brain is still asleep. I keep telling her that the sun gets out of bed too early lately 🙂

Taylorina ballerina t-ball girl.

Taylorina ballerina t-ball girl.

She also thinks that wearing her lady bug dress means she is going to get married. Who would she marry, you ask? Bubba, of course! She would marry daddy if he wasn’t already taken. The other night we took the kids to their favorite place to eat, Taco Bueno. After we ordered, Taylor motioned to her dress and said, “I’m getting married at Taco Bueno! I’ve never been married at Taco Bueno!” I think she’s the first, ever, to be married at Taco Bueno.

And last, one more morning story. I have had a bit of a cold this week and it feels worse in the morning so I’ve been extra groggy (with an extra awesome, lower-than-my-normal-super-low man voice). Taylor woke me up by turning on cartoons. I looked over at her and she was in her Sleeping Beauty dress staring at me. She asked for “chocolate milk, cold, in a big girl cup, on your bed?” I replied, “Taylor, I really don’t feel good. I think I need MY mommy to take care of me.” She said, “Oh, I will take care of you! I will wipe you!” Just what I need, right? Gotta love it.

Ready to go for a skate. Love my girl!

Ready to go for a skate. Love my girl!