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Guess what? Brendan talks! “Talks” is totally subjective…he utters sounds consistently for certain things and we can understand him more than ever. He repeats a lot of what we say and definitely has his own way of enunciating. He easily repeats the first syllable of any word and a lot of times that’s all he’ll say. Or sometimes he’ll just say the end of the word. His favorites are “dilla” for quesadilla and “nana” for banana, or Nana.

Reading a book.

Reading a book.

When he says more than half of a word, he tends to yell the last half. “dinNER!” “aMEN!” “daDDY!” “tayLA!” (Taylor, so cute to hear). This boy has himself a healthy set of lungs and he will use them at any point. Super happy? Jump and scream. Unsatisfied? Grit teeth and screech.

I'm surprised these "DU!"s stuck around while he excitedly screamed about ducks.

I’m surprised these “DU!”s stuck around while he excitedly screamed about ducks.

My favorite things that he says are thank you, good job and sorry. He says “dant you” for thank you and he says it any time he brings me something or helps me pick up. When I would normally tell him thank you, it’s like he’s telling himself. He also tells himself good job, I love it! He’s been getting in trouble a lot for the screaming and runs himself to his room to calm down. He hates getting in trouble. He knows he can come out when he’s calm, so he basically takes one step into his room, stops screaming and comes back out saying “Saw! Saw!” As in the first half of Sorry; I’ll take it!

Happy squeals.

Happy squeals.