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As the days go on, Taylor’s vocabulary continues to grow. She will be two and a half in late January and sometimes it sounds like she’s going on twelve. Her grammar cracks me up. She’s at the stage where the me’s and my’s and I’s and she’s and her’s get switched around. “He’s taking a nap” is “him napping” and so on. I quite like it, although I try not to snicker too loud. My favorite pronoun swap is when she says, “Leave my ayone (alone)! I in trouble!”

On Thanksgiving at my parent’s house, I found Taylor in their pantry looking up and down. She was clearly not finding what she had set out for so I asked her what she was looking for. She said, “I tan’t (can’t) find Sam’s privacy!” Turns out her cousin needed to go to the bathroom and had asked for privacy and Taylor had gone looking for it. She looked everywhere for “him’s privacy.”

She is also working on manners. She very nicely tilts her head and sweetly says, “I need a tookie (cookie)?……..Please?” She says the words turkey and cookie exactly the same and she gets excited about both so it’s hard to know which one she’s talking about sometimes. If it’s not time for a cookie, say immediately after she wakes up, and we tell her “no”, her go-to response is, “daddy, don’t say that. Don’t say no.”

She has also started to deny things that are clearly true. Last week she ran out her room completely naked after nap. After she stated that she wanted to go to Hobby Wobby, we asked her why she was naked. She said, “I’m not nakey.” We said, “Yes, you are, Taylor. You don’t have clothes on.” She says, “No, I’m not. I’m not nudey pants.”

She still says “yittle dip” instead of “little bit.” She only needs a “yittle dip” of a nap or a “yittle dip” of ice cream or her Tipsmas (Christmas) music a “yittle dip” louder.

And finally, Taylor can still turn your cheeks cherry red in an instant. Just this morning she lifted her shirt and shrieked “Tay tay’s boobies!” She’s just like my older brothers; she knows how to get a reaction out of me!

Taking a picture of herself

Taking a picture of herself

Her favorite place in the world: Outside

Her favorite place in the world: Outside

Watching her cookies grow

Watching her cookies grow

Taylor, I hope you always say “yittle dip” and I hope you love Tipsmas music just as much next year.